
Negotiations Between NFL, NFLPA over Discipline Policy Take ‘Massive Step’ Back

March 23, 2016   ·     ·   Jump to comments

The NFL Players Association and the NFL have been engaged in negotiations to strip league Commissioner Roger Goodell of final say on player appeals regarding the personal conduct policy.
Jim Trotter of ESPN.com reported Wednesday that those talks have lost momentum in a big way after the NFL's most recent proposal. NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith called the latest development a "massive step backwards" in an email cited by Trotter.   
Smith implied in his email the NFL changed its stance and wasn't as willing to compromise Goodell's power as initially expected:
When I briefed you on the status of negations with the NFL regarding the Personal Conduct Policy (the PCP) at our annual meetings, I shared with you the understanding I had with Roger as to our progress and positions. However, after our annual meetings had concluded, the NFL officially communicated a dramatic change of course...In short, unfortunately, it's a massive step backwards from where ne...

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