
10 NFL Quarterbacks You Want With the Ball in the Last Two Minutes

August 17, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

There are two minutes left on the clock and your team has the ball at their own fifteen-yard line. Down four. With no timeouts. And your team is an expansion franchise with the dregs of the NFL at the skill positions, the Hank Basketts and JJ Arringtons and Jeff Dugans of the league.
Who is the quarterback you want leading that drive?  
Which quarterback would be able to elevate their teammate's performance, stay upright, make the correct read, and throw the perfect pass?
Which quarterback would give this expansion team the best chance of winning?
There really are several quarterbacks capable of succeeding in this situation, including some that won't make this list.  Considering how difficult it is for secondaries to stop the pass these days, there might be twenty some-odd quarterbacks that could win this hypothetical game.
But top ten lists are all the rage these days; the kids won't stop talking about the new Arcade Fire album and top ten ...

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