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Is Jerry Jones Pinching Pennies With Dallas Cowboys On-Field Product?

June 6, 2010

If the Houston Astrodome was the eighth wonder of the world in its day, then the new Cowboys Stadium has to be the marvel of the modern era. Having toured ...

2010 NFL Schedule: How Will The NFC East Fare?

April 21, 2010

So, the NFL schedule is out and the mad rush to predict the future is on. I personally think these April predictions border on the absurd. So much will change between ...

Eagles Fans and Cowboys Fans Are More Alike Than You Think

April 16, 2010

What do Philadelphia Eagles fans and Dallas Cowboys fans have in common? More than you might think. I just came home to Dallas from a two-month stint in Philadelphia. No, I ...

Jerry Jones, Sloppy Drunk: Lots of Cash, Not a Lick of Class

April 14, 2010

Jerry Jones rumbled into Dallas, Texas like a drunken Brahma bull stumbling into a Helzberg Diamonds store. What he didn't destroy, he crapped all over. First, he ignored the ...

Emmitt Smith: NFL Hall of Fame No-Brainer in More Ways Than One

February 14, 2010

Emmitt Smith was a no-brainer for the 2010 NFL Hall of Fame selection committee. One wonders whether his presenter had to do any more than stand and say, "Emmitt Smith: ...

For Dallas Cowboys, The Big D Is For Domination

January 10, 2010

I am sure NBC's stellar broadcast crew hoped for a better game to close out Chris Collinsworth's inaugural season in the catbird seat. They would have loved a nail-biter, a ...

Super Bowl Predictions: Why Super Bowl XLIV Will Be Jerry Bowl I

January 6, 2010

Welcome to the brave world of NFL playoff predictions, where a writer puts his reputation for good sense and objective reasoning on the line by making a way-too-specific prediction about ...

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