
2010 NFL Draft: 10 Starting Players Who May Be Under Threat From Rookies

April 19, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

The 2010 NFL Draft packs excitement from every corner. The speculation of which players will land where has captivated the NFL world, and when you think you have your Mock Draft pretty much figured out, it seems that the NFL throws a curve ball, which requires a drastic change in plans. With a whole new breed of players set to explode in the league this year, it's safe to say that some starting roles may be under threat from younger and more talented rookies. Therefore, the under-performing players of 2009 along with free agents and the older players of the game, have to step up, or else their beloved starting roles may be demoted to second string, as they fall victim to another dismal year. But who is "under the gun" when it comes to rookies entering the league? The list could go on for miles, but the following Top 10 pretty much narrows down who needs to step up, or step down.Begin Slideshow

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