
2010 NFL Mock Draft: Five Potential Draft Day Surprises

April 16, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

It's inevitable in every draft to see a lot of emotion. Teams rejoicing in getting "their" guy. Teams who manage to wheel and deal their way to what appears to be a strong draft. And then there are teams that make you scratch your head and wonder, "Huh?" Just as sure as Mel Kiper Jr.'s hair is threatening the ozone, some team will catch you by surprise. Maybe it's in a good way and you take advantage of a player sliding down the draft and you catch your heir to the throne (Aaron Rodgers). Or maybe it's in a bad way and a team reaches for a player long before anyone else was interested (I'm talking about you, Sebastian Janikowski). Draft day is once again sure to be full of surprises. Here are five potential surprises to look for.Begin Slideshow

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