
2010 Proves Ben Roethlisberger Is League’s Most Over-Rated Quarterback

February 11, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Let me just say first that Ben Roethlisberger is a monster, a true player and maybe even an elite quarterback.
It doesn't matter how you get the job done, just as long as you actually get it done.  His tactics of not putting in the effort until the fourth quarterback may be non-traditional, but it works.
Heck, it may even be pretty smart.  Why waste 45 minutes of effort just to come up short in the end, while you could just exhaust the defense out and then perform when they're the most tired?
I may have my disagreements with how he behaves off the field, but that doesn't take away from him what kind of quarterback he is.
My problem with him however, is just how over-rated he is.
One day I was searching through Yahoo!, and glancing through the headlines like I usually do, and sure enough, there it was.
"Quarterback not given same praise as Manning or Brady." And guess who was on the cover?  Sure enough, Big Ben.
Wanting to rip my hair ou...

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