
Alex Smith Disclaimer: No Excuses Will Be Accepted for Poor Play

April 6, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Well, the McNabb question is no longer a question, so that means Singletary’s quasi-endorsement of Alex Smith still stands. Smith, having the same O-coordinator going into consecutive seasons for the first time ever, will be “the guy” as the 49ers head into the 2010 season. Baring any other acquisition among NFC West teams (Jason Campbell to Arizona, for example) or a surprisingly healthy year from Hasselbeck, the NFC West remains the most wide open division in football. The stage is set for Smith to take this team to the play-offs and end an almost decade-long post season drought. So, I will break down the things going for Smith as he heads into the 2010 season. Begin Slideshow

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