
Angelo Cataldi and “Dirty 30” Are a Disgrace to Philly

October 2, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

All hail Angelo Cataldi, king of that "vocal minority."

Angelo Cataldi is an idiot. A jackass, if you will. In a media market filled largely with writers who think "Concrete Charlie" is the guy who did their driveways last Summer, Cataldi continuously finds ways to stand out as the worst in the bunch.

The man knows nothing—absolutely nothing—about sports and, more specifically, the Philadelphia Eagles and the other three major sports teams in the city. But unfortunately he remains one of the idiotic voices that reaches the "sheeple" section of the Philadelphia fanbase and pollutes their vacant heads with misguided opinions driven by an undeserved ego.

Cataldi, if you recall, is the clown who organized what is now called the "Dirty 30." This group of high-class individuals were the people booing Donovan McNabb on draft day because he was not named Ricky Williams.

And now, with McNabb making his return to Philly as a member of the Washingto...

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