
Ben Roethlisberger on the Run

March 23, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Welcome to Week Three of The Young and the Roethlisberger, the riveting soap opera set in a small backwoods town somewhere in Georgia.  The leading roles belong to a world famous quarterback and an anonymous 20-year-old female.  Ratings are going through the roof.
It was just over three weeks ago that Pittsburgh Steelers all-world quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and his large entourage descended on a small hamlet called Milledgeville and turned it upside down faster than General Sherman.  Roethlisberger and his crew had innocent intentions: It was Big Ben’s 28th birthday, and his buddies were making the annual trip to his vacation house to celebrate with him, in an event that was apparently dubbed “Ben-o-Palooza.”  Word is next year’s trip is on ice, for now.
Roethlisberger, ever the entertainer, hammed it up with everyone and anyone he could find, including, naturally, the college-age girls who frequent some of the establishments in...

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