
Ben Roethlisberger’s Suspension Is For His Own Good

April 22, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

I know many Pittsburgh Steelers fans are probably upset that their franchise quarterback Ben Roethlisberger will miss up to six games to begin the 2010 season.
However, if they want Ben to continue to have success, it needed to happen.
I am not going to even pretend to know what happened between Ben and the two different women who have accused him of sexual assault.  Both cases are a matter of he said, she said.
What I do know, though, is between those two incidents and his motorcycle accident, Ben doesn't make the best decisions when he's not on the field.
Big Ben needed a wake-up call and I believe this six game suspension, without pay I might add, is just what the doctor ordered.
Thus far in his short career, Roethlisberger has won two Super Bowls and lived an apparent wild social life with little or no repercussions.
With that much success and money and no one telling you that you can't do something, that is a recipe for disaster.
Even thou...

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