
Brett Favre: Do Jenn Sterger Rumors Shut Him Down For Good?

October 7, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

By now we've all heard about the new Brett Favre drama, but in case you haven't, I'll break it down for you. Favre allegedly attempted to seduce former Jets sideline reporter, Jenn Sterger. Its important to note that there is no real proof that Favre took part in any of this. 
We can, however, speculate on how the incident related to the Vikings early struggles, and whether Favre's ankle injury will effect his current play. 
Favre has proved that he can play through pain. While starting 312 straight games and counting, Favre has taken the field with broken fingers, bum ankles, and every imaginable pain in between the two. 
Brett has also taken the field struggling with personal adversity that is more serious than this. The day after his father passed away in December of 2003, Brett Favre made the tough decision to take the field. Not only did he play that day, he took out all of his emotions on the Raiders. Favre threw for four first half touchdo...

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