Brett Favre Is Back, And So Are My High-Hopes
August 18, 2010 · Tanner Thoms · Jump to comments
I'm a guy that doesn't like to admit when he's wrong. I would rather sweep it under the rug, act like it never happened, and carry on with my every day life.
This time I will be a humble man, and accept the fact that I was completely and utterly incorrect when I told many of my piers that I strongly doubted Brett was coming back for one more shot at the title.
There's typically not many instances in one's life where they like to be wrong, but this time, I am tickled pink.
At around 4:30 ET, I arrived home, turned the channel to ESPN just to see if anything major had come about. Maybe Francisco Rodriguez had punched another in-law?
No Tiger Woods talk, no in-law violence, and nothing about poor Eli's scraped-up head. The screen read the following "Breaking News: Brett Favre arrives in Minnesota".
If any of you know me as a writer, you have come to know that I am one of the biggest Minnesota Vikings fan that there is. I won't say I'm the biggest fan out...
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