
Brian Urlacher: From Fan Favorite To Fan Hatred?

May 21, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Enough is enough Brian.
We all heard what you had to say. We all know what you want to say, but it's time to stop. Your making yourself look foolish.
In case you haven't been tuned in the past week, there is a war of words going on in the Bears organization.
Not in the locker room. Not on the field. No, not even on Twitter.
But in the media between a few Hall of Fame Bears, and a future Hall of Fame Bear.
After Gale Sayers spoke on Lovie Smith, Jay Cutler's ability, and Brian Urlachers age; Urlacher decided it was time to fire back.
And fire back he did.
"How many championships did Gale Sayers win? How many playoff games did he win when he played? None, none, none" responded Urlacher.
Well to be honest Brian, you've done just about the same.
Only two playoff wins in Urlacher's career isn't much to brag about. Especially saying that to one of the best players in Bears history.
Sure I'll give Urlacher the benefit of the doubt that he did ...

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