
Catch 22: Why the NFL Players and Owners Treat Fans Like Slaves

March 18, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

As a fan of the National Football League, I don't feel compelled to side with either the players or the owners, even as a lockout or other uncertainty looms.
What's the point exactly?
Fans seem willing to side with whom they believe is more important, and in doing so, the fans reduce the importance of fans and in effect reduce themselves to being nothing more than brainless pawns.
Or dare I say, slaves?
Adrian Peterson was at least half right when he called the NFL, "modern-day slavery," because he did after all compare NFL players to everyday people like you and me.
The NFL has given a whole new meaning to "Turn on, tune in, and drop out."  For the amount of money that fans pay to be entertained by robber barons, they'd be better off smoking crack or dropping acid. 
It's cheaper.
What exactly do the fans receive in return for loyal patronage to the NFL?  Nothing, except a headache every time they exploit you or I as useful idiots.

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