
Closet Filled with Washington Redskins QB Jerseys Is the Saddest Closet of All

August 27, 2015   ·     ·   Jump to comments

If you needed a pick-me-up this week, you've come to the wrong place.
This is a Washington Redskins fan's closet—a space of sorrow, where the jerseys of quarterbacks past and present have been piled atop one another to form a layer cake of futility.
ESPN.com's Darren Rovell tweeted out the image. The collection is almost beautiful, in a haunting, ethereal kind of way—like a Shroud of Turin for misplaced optimism:
I hope this person is OK.
I understand sports fandom can make you do drastic, irresponsible things, but you worry for someone who bought a John Beck jersey. There's no coming back from that.
Granted, while this quarterback mausoleum is larger, it's only sadder than the Cleveland Browns quarterback graveyard because of its greater financial commitment to misery.
One day in the future, when they're old enough, I'll take my sons to see these monuments. They need to understand what man is capable of doing to fan.


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