
Concussion Aftermath: How The NHL Can Save The NFL

October 23, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

If you have followed either the NFL or the NHL this past week you are probably sick and tired of all the talk about head shots.  It is such a complex and multi-layered problem with so many moving variables.  I'm not about to regurgitate the entire topic in this article, but what I will say is that the NFL can learn a lot from their counterparts on ice.
Both sports are fast-paced, physical and often times violent games.  A player can dip his head, juke left or right, or turn on a dime and create a collision that leaves both players injured.  The magic question is how can both sports protect the long-term health of its players and maintain the physical essence of their sport at the same time?
For starters, let's not kid ourselves.  The NFL is a highly political and financially motivated organization.  Behind closed doors they are likely happy they have received so much publicity this week even if it's mostly negative.  They comple...

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