
Detroit Lion Fans: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

June 2, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

I know writing this is going to open up opportunities for every one to sound off.  And just maybe that's what's needed.
There have been some articles written about the Lions that have generated some rather heated discussions— and that's cool.  Debates about sports have been around for as long as sports have.  And I really have no problem if someone disagrees with me or anything that I have written.
What I do have a problem with is people that go out of their way to internalize their discussions.  I may disagree with you but that doesn't mean I think you are an idiot.  And if I don't agree with your point of view, I'm not against you nor am I an idiot either.
There are writers who hope to turn this into a profession.  They work hard at what they do and if they have information, sources should be provided so that they can be verified.  Anytime I see "unnamed sources," I take the article with a grain of salt. 
But there are...

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