
Dez Bryant Thrown out of Mall; What’s the Big Deal?

March 24, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Just a few days ago, Dez Bryant and friends were in North Park Mall—an upscale shopping mall—when a an off-duty police officer asked Bryant to tell his friends (not him) to pull up their pants. When Bryant heard this, he reportedly went into a profanity-laced tirade and was eventually kicked out of the mall. 
Since then, everyone has been saying how outrageous this is, and how Bryant is going to be a problem for the Dallas Cowboys. 
Again, Bryant was kicked out of a mall for having his jeans too low, no charges were filed and, although he argued with the cops, he eventually left in a peaceful manner. This begs me to ask, what exactly is the story here?
Bryant didn't get a DUI, and isn't on tape fighting in a strip club. He's never been the subject of a domestic dispute, and has never assaulted anyone. These are all things NFL players are notorious for doing. As a matter of fact, since coming to Dallas, Bryant has done n...

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