
Fantasy Football Draft Advice: The Do’s and Don’ts

June 11, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

I consider myself to be a seasoned veteran of fantasy football, having been involved with it for several years, and I have learned, sometimes the hard way, what to do and what not to do when it comes to drafting. 
Although I have made many mistakes, too many to share here in one story, I have learned from these mistakes and hope to pass on some of the things that I have learned to others so that they don’t make the same mistakes I have.  We should learn from one another's mistakes.
So, here are five tips that I feel that anyone preparing for their 2010 Fantasy Football Draft could use to make sure that they have the best draft that they possibly can and get on the right track towards winning their 2010 fantasy league championships.
1.  Don’t Draft Too Early
My rule is to never draft before August.  In fact, the later that you can draft, the better.  Why?  You never know if your star player is going to get hurt an...

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