
Fantasy Football: Here’s a Tip, Get the Ladies Involved!

August 5, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

A number of years ago there was an episode of the "Cosby Show" that introduced to the collective public an interesting riddle.
Theo asked his dad, "a man is driving his son to school. They get into an accident and the man dies. The son is rushed to the hospital and when he arrives for emergency surgery the doctor says, 'I cant operate on this boy, HES MY SON!' How is this possible?"
Hilarity ensues and old Heathcliff completely misses the point of the riddle, which Claire rightfully points out "it's the kid's mother!"
The riddle has been used a number of times on a number of different levels, but it is meant to point out how sexist we are a society, and the role of gender inequality in popular culture (or something like that).
The reason that this comes to mind is because with fantasy football season right around the corner, I was confronted with a similar "duh" moment a number of years ago myself.
It was about a month before our yearly fantasy draft was ...

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