
Fantasy Football Midseason Report Card: Grading the Top 50 Players

November 4, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

At orientation on my first day of law school, a very esteemed and stately man rose to speak to our group of eager and excited neophyte lawyer wannabes.  
As the man approached the podium, a hush quickly befell the crowd.  
We all wondered what sage wisdom this man would share with us.  What would he tell us about the adventure on which we were about to embark?
"Look to your left", the man said, so we obliged.  "Now, look to your right," and all heads in the crowd swung to the right as commanded.  "Now look at me.  Of those two people you saw, and including yourself, one of you will not return for your second semester of law school."
And with that, the reality of law school life set in.  It was tough, and the old man was right.  Nearly one-third of my class either dropped out or failed out after the first semester.
Okay, so what does some story about law school have to do with fantasy football?  A bit more than you mi...

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