
Fantasy Football Update Number Two: Trade Proposal

July 11, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

This is update number two of my fantasy football season in which I will provide updates throughout the year (for update one, click here).
On July 8, I received my first trade offer of the season. The offer said that I would have to trade Ray Rice, DeSean Jackson, and Reggie Bush to Sugar Water in exchange for Ronnie Brown, Brandon Jacobs, and Miles Austin.
I decided to decline the trade as a result of one simple reason: I would be forced to sacrifice three solid players for two risky ones and Dallas WR Miles Austin.
Austin was very appealing to me but that was an extremely unbalanced trade proposal. I believe that Ronnie Brown will be one of fantasy football's biggest busts, as Ricky Williams had an outstanding season last year. Brandon Jacobs is already falling victim to having to share carries, as his fantasy value has been drastically heading downward in recent years as a result of Ahmad Bradshaw.
My point? This trade offer featured a plethora of unproven players...

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