
Five Quarterbacks Who Could Lose Their Elite Status in 2010

May 18, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

The top tier. Where everyone wants to be (unless you are in prison, of course, as if you happen to find yourself shanked, the paramedics have to go up allll the stairs and haul you allll the way back down.) Quarterbacks face a mentally and physically demanding struggle. Not only do they have to run the offense on the field, but they are expected to be locker room leaders as well. They also take a lot of punishment. Throughout the course of a QBs career, he may find himself wearing a number of different hats, from journeyman to back-up to starter to champion and back again. Only a few quarterbacks have fully entrenched themselves in "top-tier" status. Manning, Brady, Favre, and most recently, Brees. These are the guys who will most likely still be in the forefront of Top QB ranks and lists for years to come, or at least until Favre retires five or six years from now. There are a great many quarterbacks who are currently at the peripherals of the top tier, and who must produce str...

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