
Five Reasons Chris Johnson’s Holdout Will Last into the Regular Season

May 22, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Ah, holdouts.
You gotta love 'em.
Well unless you are a Titans fan.
Just in case you haven't heard, Tennessee Titans star running back Chris Johnson is no where to be found in Nashville, insisting on a new contract after "out performing" his current contract.
And while I definitely side with CJ on the subject, the Titans front office seems to feel a bit different on the matter.
Science tells us that when two objects of equal, and in this case stubborn, force collide, they will transfer their momentum into one another and separate inevitably, giving each object its sole independence from the other.
In other words, it doesn't look pretty—and here are five reasons why Chris Johnson's holdout will last into the regular season.
Reason No. 1: History
The history of the Titans organization is one that has never really been known to pay crazy amounts of money to any player.
Not only that, but when offensive linemen David Stewart an...

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