
Flying Under the Radar: The NFL’s Top Five Underrated Quarterbacks

May 21, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

If I were to ask any casual fan or even so called expert who are the best quarterbacks in the Nfl. They would immediately answer with Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or Drew Brees. They wouldnt be wrong with this assumption but there many quarterbacks out there that are very underrated and of the radar who deserve more praise that they get. They also get overlooked because of the big three quarterbacks named above. These guys put up big numbers and most of them do not crave or look for media attention but just play the game. These guys dont get put on peoples list of top quarterbacks and get ignored and disregarded. There are many reasons why these players get overshadowed, maybe its because they play in a small market, or havent proved that they are ready for the big stage, they might lack the accolades that other players in their postion have earned or even just dont get the respect and appreciation they so rightfully deserve. This list highlights the 5 quarterbacks I think are mos...

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