
From Big Blue To Big Mouth: Why Antonio Pierce Needs To Stop Talking

May 31, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

I recently saw Prince of Persia in theatres the other day.  For those thinking of paying money to see it, don't.  It's bad, and I mean real bad.  But as terrible as this film was, it did give me one scene that I find myself linking into this very article.
Early in the film, the main character, Dastan, throws what appears to be a rock at the king.  After throwing the rock, the king then decides to adopt Dastan into his so-called "royal family" even though Dastan isn't of royal blood.
So how does this relate to the NFL I hear you say? 
Well, it may not relate to the entire league, but it does relate to Antonio Pierce's new-found controversial attitude.
It's a common occasion that we see everyday.  Cocky athletes talking up a storm about one issue or another.  It seems if it isn't trusty, old Terrell Owens, it's Floyd Mayweather or some other form of high-caliber athlete adding his two cents to a situation that more than likely never...

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