
It’s Amazing How a Change Of Address Changes My Mind on McNabb

April 5, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

It's funny how the universe works sometimes loyal reader.  For the last week I was racking my brain as to what I wanted to right about for my 100th Bleacher Report article.
I thought long and hard about it.  Most of my thoughts drifted towards some sort of 100 Greatest list, but I didn't know why kind of list I wanted to invest that kind of time into.
However, as a Redskins fan, I was delivered the greatest Easter gift I have ever received.
Of course I'm speaking of the trade that has brought Donovan McNabb to the Washington Redskins.
For years I have simultaneously hated, yet respected the man who has torched the Redskins more often than not.  Now that he'll be wearing the burgundy and gold it's amazing how my feelings have changed.
Back in January I wrote an article about how (for years now) the city of Brotherly Love has shown little love for McNabb and once again talk of his exodus lit up the blogs and sports pages everywhere.
I allo...

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