
Just Saying, Is All… | Brett Favre’s Self-Centered Legacy

June 3, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

All journeys end at home.

Brett Favre is an expiring star. He’s also an eternal beacon. After three consecutive farewell seasons, the Packer-turned-Jet-turned-Viking is mulling another revision to his career’s last chapter—which would be more worrisome news if his career’s thesis statement weren’t already etched in stone.

Prestige is a publicly traded commodity.

Personhood, on the other hand, is a privately held asset.

I’m not suggesting that Favre’s exit strategy has been especially elegant. There’s a fine line between adult anguish and adolescent angst, and Brett’s annual dithering is fraught with an air of juvenile melodrama. But let’s cut slack where it’s due. In a league where the best players are those with the biggest hearts, it’s only natural that a legendary gunslinger would have trouble corralling his emotions at the end of the fight.

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