
Kansas City Chiefs Draft: Durablilty Is The Key

April 27, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Well, Scott Pioli isn't so hard to figure out after all.
Do you know the feeling one gets when they finally understand the thought process of another human being? It becomes a revelation.
Like one of those proverbial "Oh now I get it." This year's draft has taught us all exactly what Pioli is about. Poilism 101.
Here is a man who most values leadership and character first and talent second. That's what he believes. That's the way he thinks. And finally, that is now the way every Chief fan thinks. We finally "get it."
Interested in a particular player or free agent for the Chiefs? What should we look for first? Yes, you guessed it. If you are not a leader and an unselfish teammate, good luck and goodbye.
Overall, I am not really happy with this draft, but then again I rarely am. It's not just who they drafted but what they drafted:
Injury prone players
That is what concerns me the most. At least three Chiefs picks may have a great deal ...

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