
Lost in the Shuffle: Offensive Players Who Deserve To be in Canton

July 3, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

As the years go by, the legends grow, the memories turn golden, and each August, a select group of men earn their ultimate reward: enshrinement into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. But for every one who makes it, there's another who missed the cut. This list is made up of those players who most probably deserve to be in the Hall, yet for whatever reason, aren't there...and might never be. This list isn't going to have players like Tim Brown, Kevin Greene or Deion Sanders: players who will certainly get in the Hall within the next five years. This is a list of those whose memories are getting trampled under by the passage of time, and the emergence of the New Era of Football. Of course this list is flawed, much like the committee of men who get to pick and choose who gets in and who stays out, but hopefully it'll get people thinking...Begin Slideshow

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