
Love Him or Hate Him, Minnesota Vikings QB Brett Favre Got What He Deserved

March 21, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

I'll be honest, when I saw Favre's reaction to the Saints winning the championship game, I wanted to feel sorry for him.
But after thinking about it, I've come to my final conclusion. Brett Favre got what he deserved. And here's why.
And Before I get the reasons why he deserved this, I just want to make something clear. The real reason that I'm writing this article is because whenever us Packer fans say we are furious with Favre, we're called "disgruntled, hateful, nonloyal, jerks" etc. Since I'm tired of being called a hateful fan, I've decided to show everyone why it is that I'm so upset with #4. And note that I don't hate Favre, I'm simply saying that he got what he deserved.
It's just football right? I mean it's the most entertaining sport in the U.S., but all it'll ever be in the end is just forty grown men fighting over a pigskin.
So why did us Packer fans take it so hard when we saw the our beloved No. 4 play in the purple and gold?
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