
Madden NFL 12: B/R Experts Debate All 32 Choices for Madden Cover Athlete

March 22, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Madden NFL 12 Needs Your Help, Football Fans!
It's that time of year, folks!
You know, when football season is over and we're all dying for a little more NFL action (that doesn't include filthy rich people debating with even filthier and richer people about money).
Well, lucky for us, ESPN's SportsNation has teamed with EA Sports to let the fans decide who will grace the cover of Madden NFL 12. That's right! We get to decide who becomes this year's "cover boy," and several of Bleacher Report's very own NFL experts have weighed in with their own takes on who should become video game royalty.
Click Through to Learn More About B/R's Resident NFL Gurus:
Sam Westmoreland
Gabe Zaldivar
Rob Kelley
Wes O'Donnell
Bailey Brautigan (that's me!)
Tim Wood
Now sit back, relax and let the debate begin!
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