
Media Mayhem: How Tim Tebow and Brett Favre Are Connected

May 5, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

It doesn't take a lot to capture the attention of football fans.
A nice play here, a nice play there, and in the next instant, the player is being discussed like a blockbuster movie.
Tim Tebow, however, has an allure that has only been matched by one man in the past 10 years: Brett Favre. 
The two have a lot in common: they have both been successful, both are very confident, and both make the ladies swoon.
Throw in the fact that Tebow is left-handed and a religious man, and you have one heck of a media frenzy.
"I got a lot to go do and I got to go improve," said Tebow. "So, it's not time to daydream right now."
Although Tebow might not be dreaming, fans of the Denver Broncos are.  They haven't seen a quarterback this hyped since John Elway. 
And although Elway led the Broncos to two Super Bowls, there's another Super Bowl-winning quarterback who is more like Tebow in regards to how much the media loves him. 
That man, as pre...

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