
Michael McCaskey Retires: What This Means To The Chicago Bears

April 22, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Bears chairman Michael McCaskey will retire after the 2010 season and will be replaced by younger brother George, the team announced today.
Now, the first reaction I had was to yawn. Supposedly, McCaskey was removed from the day-to-day operations of the Bears by Virginia McCaskey years ago.
Still, those of us old enough to remember his contributions to the '85 Bears team's inability to repeat will breathe a sigh of relief.
In the back of our minds, we were always worried about him resuming his role as the Bears buzz-kill and interfering with something he simply doesn't understand.
Um, that would be football, by the way.
Still, the announcement shouldn't be completely dismissed. In fact, a comparison to the situation with the Chicago Blackhawks may be in order.
Everyone figured nothing would change when the old man, Bill Wirtz, died. After all, a Wirtz was a Wirtz, right?
Well, weren't we wrong!
Rocky Wirtz took over and was completely different t...

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