
New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees Opposes 18 Game NFL Schedule

August 31, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees stated his staunch opposition to the proposed 18-game regular season schedule Friday night saying that it will "take years off guy's careers and probably years off their life too."
Brees made the comment following the New Orleans Saints 36-21 victory over the San Diego Chargers at the Louisiana Superdome. The idea of two added regular season games beginning in 2012 seems to be gaining rapid momentum as NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and NFL owners worked towards its implementation earlier in the month in Atlanta.
While your average beer belly in the cheap seats has an unquenchable thirst for two more regular season games...More, More, More!!!!...16 games ain't enough, Rocky!...it is the players who will endure the additional physical punishment resulting from an extended regular season schedule.
Says Brees, "Do you know the toll that that's going to take on guys bodies?"
"The season being 16 games is already ...

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