
NFL: Can Players Be Trusted in Deciding What Is Right For Them Regarding Safety

October 21, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Yesterday afternoon while I was listening to the Lavar Arrington Show with Chad Dukes, both Chad and LaVar were speaking out against the NFL's new policy towards "dangerous" hits.
The majority of the callers were in agreement with Chad and LaVar until one caller phoned in (and I apologize for not remembering his name, but he did identify himself as a pastor) and expressed a very passionate rebuttal to what had been said on the show.
Where I don't necessarily agree with the caller, he made some valid points.
One point (which was counter to LaVar saying that the players should decide on safety since they're the ones getting hurt) was that you can't trust the players to properly assess safety issues.
And you know what, the caller was right.
The majority of the league are guys in their twenties and early thirties, men at that age (and I should know I'm only 27) aren't too worried about health issues. They think they're invincible, even after taking a big hit if the...

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