
NFL Coaches On The Hot Seat: Who Are They and When Will They Be Fired?

November 6, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

It's that time of year, football fans. The time of year when Spring expectations melt into unfulfilled November dreams. For NFL head coaches, it's the time of year when their GMs and owners are asking themselves if they can win with their current guy, or if they need to make a change.
Sure, some of these coaches have received the dreaded 'vote of confidence' from their clubs, but that is similar to being voted the tallest midget.
Certain teams are operating on a 'must win now' mentality, like the Bears, and are at the crossroads of contending and pretending.  Still others (Cowboys, we're calling you) have watched a season full of promise fade away like yesterday's blue jeans.
Now, it's true that some teams cannot afford to make a change because of the money still owed on their coaches' contracts. Still there are other teams that cannot afford NOT to make a change.
Let's take a look at the main suspects standing in the lineup of coaches on the proverbi...

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