
NFL Football: You Cannot Eliminate Risk From The Game

October 22, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Since when has the National Football League turned into one large game of chess?
As of right now, you can barely touch a quarterback, you can’t touch a kicker or punter at all, you can no longer hit a receiver anywhere above the chest and now—get this—the NFL is suspending players for just about all shots to the head.
Concussions are nothing to balk at, and we’re all aware of the permanent damage they can do to a man’s long-term quality of life.
You can call me gruff and insensitive, but this is football we are talking about here—a sport where vicious physical contact is as essential to the game as the football itself.  
A hard-hitting NFL linebacker such as Ray Lewis used to be able to greatly alter the outcome of the game through both physical and mental intimidation. 
Quarterbacks were always on the lookout for Lewis and receivers would rather climb Mt. Everest in a pair of boxer shorts than jump for a high pass ...

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