
NFL: How About a ‘Think Before You Pink’ Campaign?

October 2, 2013   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Well, October is here once again and apparently that means another month of the obvious, at least if you're an NFL football fan. We once again have to be reminded of the fact that breast cancer exists—as if we didn't already—during each and every NFL football game and broadcast.
Oh boy.
I'm not the first guy to speak up about this and I certainly hope I'm not the last. It's time to tone down "A Crucial Catch" once and for all—and please hear me out on this.
First of all, an idea: If we can learn after a couple of seasons that Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton was breaking the NFL's precious uniform code by wearing a helmet clip with the Under Armour logo for his entire career, there must be some pretty good value surrounding high-definition video cameras.
Would it not suffice to simply have that nice little pink "breast cancer" ribbon slapped on the back of all players helmets?
A sticker just isn't worth anything, at ...

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