
NFL Insider: Is There Going to Be Football in 2011?

April 23, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

As the NFL and Player’s Association brought their arguments to federal court, there are some that feel that this move might bring football back to normal much sooner than later.  The players made a good case in front of a federal judge on the 6th of April, and if you are keen to the details, you might think that the judge is going to rule in favor of the players and tell the owners to stop locking them out and return football to the way that it was. 
The judge has also stated that both sides need to resume mediation and, as of this writing, both sides are in federal court to mediate the issues at hand.
It makes a lot of sense for both sides to come to an agreement and resume normal football operations soon.  Both sides are losing money each and every day this lockout is in place and the quality of the 2011 season will be diminished.  Both sides have to come to an agreement and come to one soon.
The longer that they wait the more that puts the 20...

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