
NFL Lockout: An Open Letter to Players and Owners

March 25, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

There are times when one just wants to look the other way and not say anything about a touchy subject.
For me, the current NFL lockout isn’t one of them.
First, let me say that I respect the players for their drive and dedication to make NFL football the best it’s ever been.  The talent level within the league has gotten better and better with each passing year.  You guys work hard and earn every dime that you make.
Second, I also respect the owners.  Sure, they may come off a lot of times as greedy misanthropes.  But by owning an NFL team in their respective cities, it allows 32 cities to be members of a very exclusive club—cities that have an NFL franchise to cheer for.
So, let me say this to both sides:  Suck it up and get this collective bargaining agreement resolved.
I can understand the players being concerned about getting their fair share of the pie.  I mean, we are talking about billions of dollars to be ...

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