
NFL Lockout: The Players Aren’t the Biggest Threat to the Owners, the UFL Is

March 12, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

An NFL lockout is no longer being received by the general public as nonsense.  It’s no longer something that would “never happen, not in a million years.”
It has become our reality.  The panic button shouldn't be hit just yet.  The owners and players still have time to reach a deal before the season begins.
If they fail to do so, the consequences could devastate one side—not the players, but the owners.
Players are now unemployed.  Some may be content with being unemployed winners, and others may actually try to find work.
Brandon Marshall has expressed his interest in joining the NBA if a lockout were to occur.  Terrell Owens would probably be soon to follow, as he talked about playing basketball years ago.
Players who can’t jump or don’t want a desk job might take another option: the UFL.
The UFL was founded in 2007 and began play in 2009. 
Does this infant league have the potential t...

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