
NFL: Replacement Refs from a Betting Perspective

September 26, 2012   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Let's just put the Packers/Seahawks fiasco aside for the moment.  The bigger issue for bettors is what to do, if anything, going forward.  The situation can be broken down in two ways.  First, are the replacement refs giving bettors an advantage?  Second, have things become so random that we should halt betting altogether?
Are the Replacement Refs Giving Bettors an Edge?
The jury is still out on this one. Based on three weeks of data, the answer is inconclusive.  Mike Colbert from Cantor Gaming said last week (h/t ESPN) that the situation could be a concern at some point.  This was coming off a week where home teams absolutely obliterated the the board going 14-2 straight up and 11-4-1 against the spread.

Home Field Advantage
After Week 2, it seemed to make sense that home teams could be getting a partial advantage thanks to the replacements.  At that point, referees were calling more penalties on road teams, but af...

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