
NFL SpreadSHREDDER, Week 4: The New York Giants Will Bear Down at Home

October 1, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

SpreadSHREDDER Week 3 Record: 1-2

Overall Record: 5-3-1

With its first losing week of the season, the SpreadSHREDDER looks to take advantage of some inflated winners to get back in the black for Week 4.  With that said...


The New York Giants are now front and center of merciless scrutiny as an embarrassing performance (filled with penalties and turnovers) have made them the ire of the New York media.  With the Giants suffering back to back embarrassing losses, there is now the annual talk of Tom Coughlin losing his job. 

But when it comes to the SpreadSHREDDER, overreaction creates action.  Coming off back to back losses, the Giants will figure to have more focused, intense practices as they get ready to play on national television where they will be desperate to redeem themselves. 
Eli Manning threw for 7.28 yards per attempt, versus Vince Young's 6.47 YPA, ...

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