
NFL Union Tells Players In Letter: Prepare For Lockout Now

December 4, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

The NFL's players' union has issued a letter to all NFL teams and players advising them to save their money and prepare for an impending lockout that could occur in March of 2011.
The letter has been said to instruct the players to save their final three game checks to prepare themselves for a potential "lack of income".
This letter has also said to contain a section to the players alerting them to the possibility of the league cancelling the player’s health insurance during this lockout time as well.
Now for those of you who think taking health insurance away from the NFL players is a gutless and cheap move (I do as well) have to look at it from another point of view as well.
These guys make far more money than you and I make in a year in just a matter of months. So they should have the extra money set aside to take of medical bills should they arise.
Yes health care is extremely important to us all. But you also can't assume that every player in th...

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