
NFL Week 2: Are the Replacement Officials Destroying the Integrity of the Game?

September 19, 2012   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Two weeks into the NFL season and the narrative about the replacement officials has changed from the threat of games being lost because of poor officiating to players being at risk of injury because of it. As far as this long time fan is concerned, both arguments are crocks.
Let’s start with the premise that games are going to be decided because of missed calls or bad calls by the replacement zebras. The NFL talking heads at an unnamed Connecticut based network are all atwitter about the calls the officials have botched and how they are going to ultimately cost some team a game down the line. Now, I’m not going to say that couldn’t happen because it is a real possibility. But if it does, how is that any different from the status quo?
I seem to remember a few years back on a Thanksgiving Day broadcast veteran referee Phil Luckett blowing the overtime coin toss in a Steelers-Lions game that eventually led to a Steelers loss. I also seem to remember some horrid...

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