
NFL Week 5 Power Rankings: Where Do The New England Patriots Belong Sans Moss?

October 6, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

NFL Power Rankings are a subjective thing and rarely are two people's lists ever exactly the same. At my site, www.GuysNation.com, I once again took a hard look at all 32 teams, compared their records, the average points they've scored and allowed per game, their strength of schedule, and came up with the NFL Power Rankings for Week 5 in the 2010 NFL season.
Last week, the New England Patriots didn't even crack my Top 10.  Admittedly not a fan of the New England Patriots and Bill Belichik, I tried to be as objective as possible, with the end goal being a list that captured the NFL landscape as accurately as possible, but some things stuck out to me which didn't sit well:
Their defense wasn't off to a good start. The Bengals and Bills aren't exactly great teams, so wins over them weren't impressive despite the number of points they posted. The loss to the Jets, a good divisional opponent in a road game, didn't bother me that much, but it was still a loss, and so ...

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