
NFL: Why Tom Brady of the Patriots Has Earned My Respect (CBA)

March 5, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Well, Patriot fans out there. 
Tom Brady has done it again.  He has won again.  This time, it's the respect of someone who has been, quite possibly, his most vicious critic.
I don't mean "vicious" in the self-glorifying sense that you might get from some brown-noser in the sports media.
I mean, vicious.
I have rooted for players to break his bones. I have rooted for his fall from grace to echo Greek tragedy.  I have stated that his "One Glove" look seems like an homage to Michael Jackson.  When Antonio Cromartie called Brady an "asshole," Brady's response was that he had, "been called worse."
I have called him worse.
Maybe now, you Patriot fans who once threatened me can look back and quaintly laugh.
Because he has earned my respect.  (Can you hear the gun cocking?)
Why has Tom Brady changed my view?
The reports that if the Players Union decertifies that he, Peyton Manning and Drew Brees will be the lead plainti...

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