
Oakland Raiders: Lack of Business Structure Hurting Team

March 26, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

I was speaking to a mentor of mine earlier today and we were discussing the importance of systems in a business.
To have a successful business, you must have systems in place that are to be followed by everyone in the organization.
These systems are put in place to be consistent regardless of who is in the organization or how many locations the organization has.
A perfect example of this is McDonald's, one of the most successful restaurant chains in the world.
Whether you go to McDonald's in Blackfoot, Idaho or New York there is a 99 percent possibility that if you order a No. 1 on the menu, you will receive a Bic Mac value meal.
It doesn't stop there. The order goes from the cashier's desk to the computer screen in the back. The person in charge of cooking the meat grabs the patties, puts them in the cooker and passes the finished product to the person in charge of the buns and condiments.
The person that gets it next finishes t...

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