
Only ‘Furious Anger’ Will Lift N.Y. Giants Past Desperate Pack Sunday In Lambeau

December 23, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Somewhere early on in the 1994 Quentin Tarantino classic, Pulp Fiction, almost immediately after the great Mia/Rocky Nokumora foot massage debate—more than likely the most compelling foot massage debate in the history of American film—Samuel L. Jackson's character, Jules, goes off on a biblical rant—something about the wrath of God—and I very specifically remember the words —furious anger.
The next thing you know, bullets were flying everywhere and at least two dead bodies were the end result.      
Fast forward to this past Sunday, December 19th, 2010, at new Giants Stadium.
It was the scene of a crime against Giant humanity—An afternoon likely to live in infamy for as long as the New York Giant universe remains in existence.
Emotions ranging from utter shock to absolute, unbridled, furious anger arose amongst fans and players alike in the aftermath of the stunning 38-31 loss to the hated Philadelphia Eagles.  ...

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